Yesterday I went for a two hour motorcycle throughout the German mountains! Had a drink at a bar at the top of the mountain! Visited the exact centre of Bavaria! Managed to bake a super yummy pavlova for my adopted German family that turned out spectacular,y! :)
Also I've booked the flight from Rome to London
Flight Vienna to florence and accom there!
And Rome accom!
Don't need to worry anymore!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Blisters and red!
Chilling was the word of the day. Yesterday I was able to hit up the beautiful old town of Regensborg with Steffan and Rosie. It was a wonderful sunny day, learnt more about there historic towns, visited the walhallah, an impressive roman masterpiece housing marble statues of well known German folk!
Today consisted of a sleep in <3
Then booking:
Bus Munich to Prague
Accom in Prague
Bus Prague to Vienna
Accom Vienna
3 day Italian tour
I now still need to book:
Transport from Vienna to Rome
Transport Rome to Pisa and accom
Flight Pisa to London!
Not too much more!
This afternoon saw Mel and I hit up the adventure park for abseiling obstacle courses high up in trees! It was great fun, and therefore I am now typing the with multiple blisters and red stinging hands! But so worth it!
Then booking:
Bus Munich to Prague
Accom in Prague
Bus Prague to Vienna
Accom Vienna
3 day Italian tour
I now still need to book:
Transport from Vienna to Rome
Transport Rome to Pisa and accom
Flight Pisa to London!
Not too much more!
This afternoon saw Mel and I hit up the adventure park for abseiling obstacle courses high up in trees! It was great fun, and therefore I am now typing the with multiple blisters and red stinging hands! But so worth it!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
King Ludwig II
It's been one of those weekends, of the amazing kind.
Friday saw me hanging with Mel's older brother Steffen and his lovely girlfriend Rosie, and also their cousin Flecity and her boyfriend Alex, which also happens to be Steffen's best mate. Happy times.
The bar we went to was crazy different, well at least in comparison to other bars/pubs I've been to. It was in the 'attic', now before you get crazy ideas, it was not some old dark and dusty little bar under the eaves of some dingy, but the top floor of a fancy smancy hotel with a glass roof, with massive ancient beams of wood from the original building, overlooking a castle on the mountain in front of us.
Saturday had us day tripping to Nurenborg, one of the closest cities. Nuremborg had 90% of it's buildings destroyed during a two hour bombing raid during WWII. This was a mainstage for Hitler's motivational speeches, and control centre, now days it's houses a lot of uni students, and tourists.
It has a wonderful old castle in prime position in the centre of town, with a huge guard wall surrounding the city.
Friday saw me hanging with Mel's older brother Steffen and his lovely girlfriend Rosie, and also their cousin Flecity and her boyfriend Alex, which also happens to be Steffen's best mate. Happy times.
The bar we went to was crazy different, well at least in comparison to other bars/pubs I've been to. It was in the 'attic', now before you get crazy ideas, it was not some old dark and dusty little bar under the eaves of some dingy, but the top floor of a fancy smancy hotel with a glass roof, with massive ancient beams of wood from the original building, overlooking a castle on the mountain in front of us.
Saturday had us day tripping to Nurenborg, one of the closest cities. Nuremborg had 90% of it's buildings destroyed during a two hour bombing raid during WWII. This was a mainstage for Hitler's motivational speeches, and control centre, now days it's houses a lot of uni students, and tourists.
It has a wonderful old castle in prime position in the centre of town, with a huge guard wall surrounding the city.

I figure the two headed eagle, which is Nuremborg's castle coat of arms, was originally from Collie!
Had to spin this little god ring three times to get lucky! Or pregnant, there was two rings, one to help get pregnant one for luck.
I had some quick retail therapy here, purchasing a personalized Nuremborg monopoly! Yes, I realize not the most convenient piece of luggage to carry around, but so worth it! I also bought this AMAZING adapter device for my iPad tha reads four different accessories. Basic,y I an now store all my pictures from my sd card on my iPad now, read subs and all this fun jazz! Keen!

Came across this shop :)
Saturday night was filled with my first official German festival. It was fantastic, getting all dressed up in traditional dress, dancing on bales -EVERYONE DOES THIS- so weird but fun. After seeing a. Duke people falling off tables, drinkming and dancing was really a hazard over here!

Say saw a bright and early 6M start off to Neuschwanstein Castle. Be jealous this is what fairy tales are made from. However the walk to the op of the mountain was slightly made harder from my extremely sore leg. The decide was not of gold, more wooden interior than the other King Ludwig II castles. We then proceeded to gave lunch in Austria, whilst driving through the alps, to visit our the final of King Ludwig II castles.

Came across this shop :)
Saturday night was filled with my first official German festival. It was fantastic, getting all dressed up in traditional dress, dancing on bales -EVERYONE DOES THIS- so weird but fun. After seeing a. Duke people falling off tables, drinkming and dancing was really a hazard over here!

Say saw a bright and early 6M start off to Neuschwanstein Castle. Be jealous this is what fairy tales are made from. However the walk to the op of the mountain was slightly made harder from my extremely sore leg. The decide was not of gold, more wooden interior than the other King Ludwig II castles. We then proceeded to gave lunch in Austria, whilst driving through the alps, to visit our the final of King Ludwig II castles.

Friday, August 24, 2012
Horrible History.
Oh my giddiant, I do not even know where to begin. So much has happened in the space of 48 hours, nothing bad, just so much to take in, therefore this update may be a jumble of happenings.
Wednesday took Melanie and I to the Bavarian sea. Now if you know anything about German geography you would be aware that well, Germany is in the middle of Europe, and the south of Germany is extremely far from any coastal waters, let alone seas and oceans. Therefore the German's like to imagine this truly huge lake is indeed a sea, filled with islands. Where lays an extravagant palace,and a few monasteries overlooked by the alps.
What a landscape. The palace built by Kind Ludwigg II was an incredible extravagance.
The islands were beautiful, and the sun was shining, we could not have been blessed with a nicer day. We then checked out some traditional German dress shops, along with a super flashy maccas, went for a quick dip in the water, got lost on the 3 hour drive home, stopped by a festival in a little town on the way, then crashed in bed praying my sunburn would not be to bad tomorrow.
I clearly did not pray hard enough, my back, the same colour as the tomato on the kitchen sink was quite tender. That was, until I slaughtered it with aloe vera cream and after sun moisturiser.
Thursday brought on a whole new meaning to the word horror. We visited Dauche Concentration camp. This was never used for mass killings, however 45 000 people were killed here, more because of the poor living conditions.
I have never been actually sickened by anything before, but walking into this concentration camp, see the sign 'Truth sets you free' in iron, on the door, purposely misleading the 'prisioners' that there was a possibility that they may leave this place. Being shown the execution ground.
The absolute disgust in felt for the people, hearing what had been conducted. one of the tortures that was given to some prisoners, was they would be put in a box, much like a coffin except standing up. they would be kept in there for 42 days, being let out every four days to get a scrape of food, and move around. The point of this torture was to drive the prisoner insane, the jailers would provide the person inside the box, with a piece of rope, and twice a day a jailer would look in through a whole and say ' no, he hasn't used the rope yet', they would then proceed to scream at them 'You're a coward, kill yourself already!!!'
We also were shown the gas chamber room, and the crematorium. It was absolutely filth, their were many graphical images posted on the walls, it was so easy to imagine what a place of horror it would have been. At one stage i walked into a room after getting out of the gas chambers, because it was to much to take in, and I looked up onto the wall to find out what room i was in now, and the description on the wall told me that I was now inn the room that held all the corpses before they were cremated. I felt like vomiting. I was out of that room before you could say Germany.
I think one of the worst, no how on earth can i say one of the worst, but something that absolutely blew my mind was this. The system for the gas chambers, prisoners were told they were going for shower, so first there was the waiting room, then the undressing room, because you cant have shower in your clothes, however this was simply so they didn't have to take the clothes of the corpses, then they were lead into a room that has the word 'shower' written above the door. In the room, there are what looks like shower heads in the room, but are in fact outlets for the gas.
The only positive thing from this concentration camp was the fact that the gas chamber was completely ready and functional, however was never used. It is unknown why.
After this sever emotional roller coaster, shopping was needed. We headed into Munich, visited the cathedrals, had a beer at the halls, i purchased a traditional dress! Just wait until you see it!
Phew big update but needed, I am now planning the next bit in mz trip. I'm thinking, Munich, Prague, Vienna, Rome, Nice, Barcelona, London UNI.
Wait and see! x
The islands were beautiful, and the sun was shining, we could not have been blessed with a nicer day. We then checked out some traditional German dress shops, along with a super flashy maccas, went for a quick dip in the water, got lost on the 3 hour drive home, stopped by a festival in a little town on the way, then crashed in bed praying my sunburn would not be to bad tomorrow.
I clearly did not pray hard enough, my back, the same colour as the tomato on the kitchen sink was quite tender. That was, until I slaughtered it with aloe vera cream and after sun moisturiser.
Thursday brought on a whole new meaning to the word horror. We visited Dauche Concentration camp. This was never used for mass killings, however 45 000 people were killed here, more because of the poor living conditions.
I have never been actually sickened by anything before, but walking into this concentration camp, see the sign 'Truth sets you free' in iron, on the door, purposely misleading the 'prisioners' that there was a possibility that they may leave this place. Being shown the execution ground.
The absolute disgust in felt for the people, hearing what had been conducted. one of the tortures that was given to some prisoners, was they would be put in a box, much like a coffin except standing up. they would be kept in there for 42 days, being let out every four days to get a scrape of food, and move around. The point of this torture was to drive the prisoner insane, the jailers would provide the person inside the box, with a piece of rope, and twice a day a jailer would look in through a whole and say ' no, he hasn't used the rope yet', they would then proceed to scream at them 'You're a coward, kill yourself already!!!'
We also were shown the gas chamber room, and the crematorium. It was absolutely filth, their were many graphical images posted on the walls, it was so easy to imagine what a place of horror it would have been. At one stage i walked into a room after getting out of the gas chambers, because it was to much to take in, and I looked up onto the wall to find out what room i was in now, and the description on the wall told me that I was now inn the room that held all the corpses before they were cremated. I felt like vomiting. I was out of that room before you could say Germany.
I think one of the worst, no how on earth can i say one of the worst, but something that absolutely blew my mind was this. The system for the gas chambers, prisoners were told they were going for shower, so first there was the waiting room, then the undressing room, because you cant have shower in your clothes, however this was simply so they didn't have to take the clothes of the corpses, then they were lead into a room that has the word 'shower' written above the door. In the room, there are what looks like shower heads in the room, but are in fact outlets for the gas.
The only positive thing from this concentration camp was the fact that the gas chamber was completely ready and functional, however was never used. It is unknown why.
After this sever emotional roller coaster, shopping was needed. We headed into Munich, visited the cathedrals, had a beer at the halls, i purchased a traditional dress! Just wait until you see it!
Phew big update but needed, I am now planning the next bit in mz trip. I'm thinking, Munich, Prague, Vienna, Rome, Nice, Barcelona, London UNI.
Wait and see! x
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Ich bin in Deutschland
Now where did I leave all you poor suckers at? You weren't with me today when I hit up my first German castle, checked out the biggest crystal in the world, or chugged down a beer with my amazing new adopted German Mum, Ute. No, oh to bad. This is what's gone down in the last 48 hours.
I had some awesome girls in my dormitory room in Edinburgh, an Aussie chick that's over here for exchange as well, she's going to Nottingham University. Small world eh?
Bused it to the air port after grabbing a old American mans return bus ticket because he didn't need it. Sweet chap, saved me £6! Did the whole check in, go through security thing, busted my new sandals :( the to cheer myself up, I bought some new OPI nail polishes and SJP perfume!
However the journey on the plane was not to pleasant. Similar to the bus journey to Edinburgh the stink, unfortunately it seemed that the not so little man in the seat in front of me also had not heard of a new invention, a thing called deodorant. What a sheltered life he must live? So other than a constant lingering odour that smelt of dead fish mixed with bad morning breath, it was a delightful flight.
Arriving in Munich, Germany was not as worrying as I had perhaps thought it would be. The immigration dude was easy, and the border security non-existent, like all European nations. and them wait for it. This:

Isn't she the best? Melanie made me my first ever welcome sign! Such a sweety!
We hit the road to travel to her little village of Midelsetten. Note the blue dot!

After unpacking and relaxing, we had a delicious tea and cakes, before ending out to the beer garden for. Traditional Bavarian dinner. Now if like me you didn't realise that Germany is split in several states now you do. Bavaria is the biggest and that is currently we I am.
It so pretty they are literally all little illages connected by farmland and tiny title lane ways. I also sited Ruropes largest all wood bridge. I got some beautiful photos! Also we had a massive storm last night, one of the houses in the village next to us was struck by lighting and the house was burnt to the ground.

The Berlin wall all so extended down through Branden, Berlin( of course), and Saxony!..... Crazy.
Mel had to head to work today, bunt before she cooked me traditional Bavarian breakfast! Was absolutely delicious! She took yesterday off to come pick me up, and is calling in sick for the next two days, I and the house to myself. So after finding a charger for my my iPad, I left the wall adaptor for my apple products back in England. Idiot Jayllee. I painted my nails and watched a bit of Notting hill. As I was watching it, there were so many scenes I was like. I'VE BEEN THEREEEEEE!!
But Ute finished work and picked me up. We headed off to visit a Castle Scholls Prunn, with a German speaking tour guide and me with the English information sheets. Then hit up the crystal museum. The was amazing! The crystals and jewels! Wow! They are huge! The biggest crystal in the world was there, and wait for it....... I TOUCHED IT! And then ran for dear life, as , well you are not really supposed to be touching it!
After all this sightseeing we headed to another gorgeous little beer garden next door!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Tattoos, volcanos and ghost tours!
There have been so many ways I wanted to start this particular blog, but I think a photo will suffice.

Right this very second I am sitting atop St Arthur's Seat, this is the highest hill/extinct volcano in Edinburgh, the site is breath taking. It is a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the temperature is warm, and just a little overcast, so no sunburn today!
I've been a busy bee these last few days, here's what a got up to.
Saturday morning consisted of a walking tour up the royal mile, this was interesting but to be honest our guide was extremely relaxed. She is a lovely person, and her style of guiding is to basically let you do your own thing. I like this, but I also like to learn bout the places, and be bombarded with information. So I was slightly let down with her local knowledge, or more so the limited of amount that was imparted.
My roomate, Kate and I, hit up some shows. We first saw Austenacious. This is basically an improv show where the audience put forward multiple book title names, and one is randomly pulled out of a basket. Then a play is done according to the name automatically. It was commedy, however everything was performed in Victorian style, i.e. costumes and language used. I would rate it five stars, it was entertaining, funny, the actors great, they engaged the audience! Loved it all together. The only downside was that we were being roasted alive, as the show was going on! It was an absolutely sauna in the crowed little room, otherwise great,
After having ice cream and crepes, we headed to see another play called Lady M. This was a take on Lady Macbeth, from Shakespeare's Macbeth play. It was a solo performance, however quite outstanding. It was even hotter in this room, and felt like I was about to pass out.
This was a great imaginative play, from the point of lady Macbeths Lady in waiting. Insinuating that Lady Macbeth's death was not suicide, but a murder.
As the day drew to a close it was getting cooler and more exciting, because tonight we were off to the see the Edinburgh Tattoo. I remember when I was little once or twice catching glimpses of the Tattoo on TV, never entertaining that one day I could see it. But here I was, about to watch the Edinburgh Tattoo in Scotland!
It surpassed all my expectations, the marching, choreography, music, history. It was marvellous, being slightly critical I would probably conclude that their dressing was slightly shabby, and the mark time was reticulum. My sergeants would NEVER have allowed it.
Today included at big climb up and extinct volcano, that was amazing and hit some beautiful photos. I then headed into the Royal Mile to partake in a ghost tour of the vaults belong Edinburgh.
Poor little girl in our group got so scared she burst into tears, and was shaking uncontrollably.
Off to Germany tomorrow! Sua x

Right this very second I am sitting atop St Arthur's Seat, this is the highest hill/extinct volcano in Edinburgh, the site is breath taking. It is a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the temperature is warm, and just a little overcast, so no sunburn today!
I've been a busy bee these last few days, here's what a got up to.
Saturday morning consisted of a walking tour up the royal mile, this was interesting but to be honest our guide was extremely relaxed. She is a lovely person, and her style of guiding is to basically let you do your own thing. I like this, but I also like to learn bout the places, and be bombarded with information. So I was slightly let down with her local knowledge, or more so the limited of amount that was imparted.
My roomate, Kate and I, hit up some shows. We first saw Austenacious. This is basically an improv show where the audience put forward multiple book title names, and one is randomly pulled out of a basket. Then a play is done according to the name automatically. It was commedy, however everything was performed in Victorian style, i.e. costumes and language used. I would rate it five stars, it was entertaining, funny, the actors great, they engaged the audience! Loved it all together. The only downside was that we were being roasted alive, as the show was going on! It was an absolutely sauna in the crowed little room, otherwise great,
After having ice cream and crepes, we headed to see another play called Lady M. This was a take on Lady Macbeth, from Shakespeare's Macbeth play. It was a solo performance, however quite outstanding. It was even hotter in this room, and felt like I was about to pass out.
This was a great imaginative play, from the point of lady Macbeths Lady in waiting. Insinuating that Lady Macbeth's death was not suicide, but a murder.
As the day drew to a close it was getting cooler and more exciting, because tonight we were off to the see the Edinburgh Tattoo. I remember when I was little once or twice catching glimpses of the Tattoo on TV, never entertaining that one day I could see it. But here I was, about to watch the Edinburgh Tattoo in Scotland!
It surpassed all my expectations, the marching, choreography, music, history. It was marvellous, being slightly critical I would probably conclude that their dressing was slightly shabby, and the mark time was reticulum. My sergeants would NEVER have allowed it.
Today included at big climb up and extinct volcano, that was amazing and hit some beautiful photos. I then headed into the Royal Mile to partake in a ghost tour of the vaults belong Edinburgh.
Poor little girl in our group got so scared she burst into tears, and was shaking uncontrollably.
Off to Germany tomorrow! Sua x
Friday, August 17, 2012
Cereal or serial?

A fun but tiring day. After scoring free wifi at maccas, skyping with family for an hour, and eating hotcakes, my day was looking considerably better than when I had set off from the hostel in the rain this morning.
I did something I have never done before, actually quite a few new things today. I participated in marketing research. You know those people you see at supermarkets asking you if they can ask you a few questions. This lovely little old lady goes, "Do you have a moment dear?".
After actually thinking this through half way through my automatic no response, I changed my mind, I have plenty of time. So off I wander in, eating biscuits and expressing my opinion. I am very opinionated now regarding the crunchiness, the size fruit bits, the correct sweetness of breakfast biscuits, and the appropriate size.
Score, add that to my resume.
Then headed over to my new hostel, it's actually quite nice, more like a motel. I'm sharing a three bed room with another Aussie, and kiwi.
Then I headed off to check out some shops. And I even got my hair treated, washed, cut and blow dried!It feels absolutely amazing! The hair dressers we absolute darlings! Would definitely recommend going there, that's if you're ever in the neighbourhood!
In the evening I joined up with the group, started the pub crawl, saw an r-rated 'comedy' show. I think the 'Edinburian' people are so into their sex. Discussing it, acting it, stripping off, rude comments, honest to goodness it is quite ridiculous!
But now off to bed, big day tomorrow!
After actually thinking this through half way through my automatic no response, I changed my mind, I have plenty of time. So off I wander in, eating biscuits and expressing my opinion. I am very opinionated now regarding the crunchiness, the size fruit bits, the correct sweetness of breakfast biscuits, and the appropriate size.
Score, add that to my resume.
Then headed over to my new hostel, it's actually quite nice, more like a motel. I'm sharing a three bed room with another Aussie, and kiwi.
Then I headed off to check out some shops. And I even got my hair treated, washed, cut and blow dried!It feels absolutely amazing! The hair dressers we absolute darlings! Would definitely recommend going there, that's if you're ever in the neighbourhood!
In the evening I joined up with the group, started the pub crawl, saw an r-rated 'comedy' show. I think the 'Edinburian' people are so into their sex. Discussing it, acting it, stripping off, rude comments, honest to goodness it is quite ridiculous!
But now off to bed, big day tomorrow!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Stark naked. Monstrous Acts.
Edinburgh Edinburgh. You never let me down.
Whether it be from my early early morning wake up, and by early I mean 3.30am, to see the rest of the guys off to turkey. To leave the house at 5.30, to catch the bus to the train station, walk to the central bus station, get on a bus for 9 hours, to walk from the bus station to the hostel.
Tired. And smelly. I never realised before how much people start to smell after simply sitting in a confined space together. It's actually quite similar to the situation I am in right this second. Sitting here on my bunk with 13 other gents and ladies, the fella above me clearly did not have a shower tonight, therefore his yummy body odours are quite distinctive. I can only hope that my new lemon body oils that I purchased today will overpower his.
Also on the the bus trip there were these two english guys. They were quite typically your stereotypical guys. Discussing their conquests, it was really quite despicable. at one stage one of the guys, lets call him Tom went to his mate "no way, you didn't, you didn't do her did you?"
Joe said hurriedly "No,and even if i had gone there I wouldn't be admitting it".
What abosolute jerks. Morals these days have absolutely shot throu the floor. They honest to goodness don't exist, or if they do, its for a very select group of people.
However it is the FRINGE FESTIVAL here, it's like a month of plays and impromptu musicales and not to mention the EDINBURGH TATTOO. The atmosphere here is amazing, you go out on the street and are accosted by budding actors, dressed in costumes, from vicotrian styled dresses, pantomimes, shirtless young Scottish blokes, to Emos, street performers, markets. It's all here! What an amazing experience this shall be.
So upon arriving I ventured out to explore the stalls, purchase sandals, a belt, some sushi to have for dinner, and my little splurge was buying a new handbag from a cute little Scottish store called Ness. It's so pretty! My green one has almost had it :( I don't know whether to keep it or ditch it... Going to be a sad day when that comes!
Nice returning to the hostel, I made friends with two f the girls in my dorm. A German and a Brit. It was really helpful, the Brit told us about how the plays are running and what's happening when. So German girl; she pronounces her name like 've-ol-e-a', like the cleaning company we have in Oz. Made me smile.
Taking a plunge, Veolia and I headed out to find the play about a- doctor with three personalities, however upon arriving we found out that tonight and tomorrow night are the two nights that the show is not on, so we chose to go to another show around the corner. A play called Monstrous Acts.
If I thought Moulin Rouge was bad,and it was simply seeing breasts, but this one well, it was a small theatre with or naps 25 of use in there, I was about a metre away from the actors, so when the first actor walked out stark naked, I had to lift my jaw of the ground. When he then. Preceded to Bron and wash him self while squatting in front of me, I tried ,to look anywhere else but a him.
however that was only the beginning. The story was about two men who bad Bron been sentenced to death. The first one, Sebastian, has been in prison in his own confined cell for 3 months already when a cell mate arrives, Seal. A man who unbeknown to Sebastian has killed over 400 children, whilst raking them, burning them, and bathing on their blood. Seal rapes Sebastian in his sleep. However we then go ton to see that from Sebastians initial anger over being raped, he and Seal fall in 'love'.
When the day of execution arrives Sebastian smothers Seal.
However lease let me enlighten you they happily made out in the sex scenes, were stark naked thrusting against each other. If anything has ever made you uncomfortable times it by ten and that was how I was feeling.i could not watch as they made out. However I applaud their commitment to their art, because it truly was an artistic performance of an old untold story of what happened in prisons.
However on. Happier note, after the completing and being much more enlightened, we walked out of gen theatre the final march by of the trips at the Edinburgh Tattoo in all their glory. I must say I cannot wait to see it. It looks and sounds spectacular.
I'm off to bed! Nights! Xx
Whether it be from my early early morning wake up, and by early I mean 3.30am, to see the rest of the guys off to turkey. To leave the house at 5.30, to catch the bus to the train station, walk to the central bus station, get on a bus for 9 hours, to walk from the bus station to the hostel.
Tired. And smelly. I never realised before how much people start to smell after simply sitting in a confined space together. It's actually quite similar to the situation I am in right this second. Sitting here on my bunk with 13 other gents and ladies, the fella above me clearly did not have a shower tonight, therefore his yummy body odours are quite distinctive. I can only hope that my new lemon body oils that I purchased today will overpower his.
Also on the the bus trip there were these two english guys. They were quite typically your stereotypical guys. Discussing their conquests, it was really quite despicable. at one stage one of the guys, lets call him Tom went to his mate "no way, you didn't, you didn't do her did you?"
Joe said hurriedly "No,and even if i had gone there I wouldn't be admitting it".
What abosolute jerks. Morals these days have absolutely shot throu the floor. They honest to goodness don't exist, or if they do, its for a very select group of people.
However it is the FRINGE FESTIVAL here, it's like a month of plays and impromptu musicales and not to mention the EDINBURGH TATTOO. The atmosphere here is amazing, you go out on the street and are accosted by budding actors, dressed in costumes, from vicotrian styled dresses, pantomimes, shirtless young Scottish blokes, to Emos, street performers, markets. It's all here! What an amazing experience this shall be.
So upon arriving I ventured out to explore the stalls, purchase sandals, a belt, some sushi to have for dinner, and my little splurge was buying a new handbag from a cute little Scottish store called Ness. It's so pretty! My green one has almost had it :( I don't know whether to keep it or ditch it... Going to be a sad day when that comes!
Nice returning to the hostel, I made friends with two f the girls in my dorm. A German and a Brit. It was really helpful, the Brit told us about how the plays are running and what's happening when. So German girl; she pronounces her name like 've-ol-e-a', like the cleaning company we have in Oz. Made me smile.
Taking a plunge, Veolia and I headed out to find the play about a- doctor with three personalities, however upon arriving we found out that tonight and tomorrow night are the two nights that the show is not on, so we chose to go to another show around the corner. A play called Monstrous Acts.
If I thought Moulin Rouge was bad,and it was simply seeing breasts, but this one well, it was a small theatre with or naps 25 of use in there, I was about a metre away from the actors, so when the first actor walked out stark naked, I had to lift my jaw of the ground. When he then. Preceded to Bron and wash him self while squatting in front of me, I tried ,to look anywhere else but a him.
however that was only the beginning. The story was about two men who bad Bron been sentenced to death. The first one, Sebastian, has been in prison in his own confined cell for 3 months already when a cell mate arrives, Seal. A man who unbeknown to Sebastian has killed over 400 children, whilst raking them, burning them, and bathing on their blood. Seal rapes Sebastian in his sleep. However we then go ton to see that from Sebastians initial anger over being raped, he and Seal fall in 'love'.
When the day of execution arrives Sebastian smothers Seal.
However lease let me enlighten you they happily made out in the sex scenes, were stark naked thrusting against each other. If anything has ever made you uncomfortable times it by ten and that was how I was feeling.i could not watch as they made out. However I applaud their commitment to their art, because it truly was an artistic performance of an old untold story of what happened in prisons.
However on. Happier note, after the completing and being much more enlightened, we walked out of gen theatre the final march by of the trips at the Edinburgh Tattoo in all their glory. I must say I cannot wait to see it. It looks and sounds spectacular.
I'm off to bed! Nights! Xx
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Wam, bam, Thank-you mam.
The last couple of days have been lovely. I'm back in the land of english speakers. However my trip with Jess and Caitlin now comes to an end. They jet off tomorrow to party on in Turkey whilst cruising the coast on their own yacht, and I head up to Edinburgh for the Edinburgh Tattoo this weekend.
I have booked a weekend group thing with Haggis Adventures, so i'll make sure to let you know how that goes.
Last night was biggy. Went out and hit the clubs in London, we all most definitely felt it today. The days consisted of getting up showering, posting some bits and bobs to places and people, feeding my face, packing, hair straightening, and watching a new TV series called Life. Quite good definitely worth checking out if you're into Castle, Bones sort of thing.
(Yes, i just spammed you with a tonne of photos form last night!)
We meet some nice South African guys last night, it was funny talking to them felt like I was back home, because theres so many South Africans in Aussie.
I'm indecisive at the moment whether or not i should purchase a bus about tick for the south and west loop, so Italy, France, Spain etc because it's half price. Hmmm guess it'll work itself out. Hopefully soon.
Well I'm slightly tired still, so I'm going to head off, but I'll be bound to update you soon!
I have booked a weekend group thing with Haggis Adventures, so i'll make sure to let you know how that goes.
Last night was biggy. Went out and hit the clubs in London, we all most definitely felt it today. The days consisted of getting up showering, posting some bits and bobs to places and people, feeding my face, packing, hair straightening, and watching a new TV series called Life. Quite good definitely worth checking out if you're into Castle, Bones sort of thing.
(Yes, i just spammed you with a tonne of photos form last night!)
We meet some nice South African guys last night, it was funny talking to them felt like I was back home, because theres so many South Africans in Aussie.
I'm indecisive at the moment whether or not i should purchase a bus about tick for the south and west loop, so Italy, France, Spain etc because it's half price. Hmmm guess it'll work itself out. Hopefully soon.
Well I'm slightly tired still, so I'm going to head off, but I'll be bound to update you soon!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Au voir Paris
I must apologise before I get any further, yesterday's attempt at a blog was useless. I accept responsibility simply lay it down to it being 11.30 at night, consuming a lot of champagne at Moulin Rouge, and simply pure unadulterated laziness. But in saying that, I really need to give further explanation about the Moulin Rouge and some of the small things that made the evening!
The Moulin Rouge was a glitz and glamour affair,we had our own waiters to attend to our needs, by the by there were some serious cuties with their bonjours and small smiles. We had a front row table for the evening, with a lovely very very American mother, Timmy, and her two teenage kids. We also had a couple of older Aussies, and a Olympic tae quan do official and his shrink wife, and two more plebs I didn't know, but all in all a delightful mix.
Small observation for those of you, like me, who had no idea that the Moulin Rouge was boobs, boobs, throw in a g-string, more boobs. I was surprised therefore that none of the old folk had heart attacks. Dead set at least 70% of the attendance was people over 55 years old. Gee.
However in saying this, the opening music, delicious salmon entree, a yummy veal main, and strawberry slice for desert was a scrumptious combination. The show itself was a constant stream of surprises, the men were hunks, however some of those costumes and dancing manuervers make you question which team they're batting for. Just saying.
But now back to today, what lovely day it has been. With a delightful sleep-in, again, we got up, dressed and hit up a cute little brasserie called Pauls. Really reasonably priced and yummy, sat down and eavesdropped on the Americans conversation beside us, "I can't believe the culture shock honey, the beggars, there's just so many. I don't like it", ah silly American, news flash beggars are everywhere in the world, no point hiding from them.
Then we conquered the bike rental system, managed to get pulled over by the police. Fun times, don't try biking down a busy one way street. The French are truly crazy drivers. Jess had a couple near misses with buses, we were slightly out of our league!
Then we trotted off to Notre Dame, this was mind blowing. The ageless beauty was astounding, what was also astounding was the ques, over my dead body were Jess and I going to be joining the ranks of those idiots. The line was honestly a good 400 metres long and not moving. No thanks honey.
We then continued our ride aimlessly though Paris and ended up outside a Beauty salon where we treated ourselves. I now have a lovely bright pink manicure and Jess received a slightly useless massage.
From there, chatting up the administrator we got good directions to the next destination. This gorgeous old cathedral over looking Paris. It was a lovely ride, it did however feel as if we were in the ghetto neighbourhood, and slightly worried we'd been sent to be raped and murdered, but clearly seen as I'm typing this neither of these things occurred. Phew, relief. However we saw some bargains anparis, notre dame, biking, d bought some beautiful paintings! I can't wait to show you all my watercolour collection!
And now here I am lying in bed having a quick siesta before we head out for dinner, our last night in Paris. What an adventure.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Moulin Rouge. Say what?
My skins quite a lovely delicate shade of pink after another day spent in the sun!
After waking up at the late hour of 10.30' and finally leaving the hotel at 12, we hit up the louvre to visit... Wait for it....the.... Not a fake..... Real... Mona Lisa. You would have thought there was a rock concert on up the front, the amount of jostling and moshing that was happening. But after getting the special photo we skedattled to the bridge of love.
I'm referring to the lock bridge. There are these bridges here in Paris where couple have locked on little padlocks to the fencing declaring the undying love in a symbolic padlock and throwing keys in the river. It was extremely quirk and oh so pretty!
From there we ventured along the path from the lourve to the arc de triuphm, in between having a go at shooting some string in a carnival!
After finally arriving at the arc de triuphm, I made the climb alone as Jess rested at the bottom. What's view I had from up there! Honest to goodness it was breath taking, seeing all these roads connect onto one intersection. What a feat, the Paris drivers truly are crazy!!!
But then we headed home to get all dolled up for the moulin rouge!
I didn't really know what to expect, I didn't know what it was about or what it was based upon.
In summary is was breath taking,y unexpected whirlwind of bare chests of make and female kind, tight link leather pants for men, and pretty little g-strings for the women, bedazzled men, and hilarious entertainers!
We even had a lovely American family sitting at our front row table! It was a perfect evening out in Paris ith Jess. The food was delicious!
After waking up at the late hour of 10.30' and finally leaving the hotel at 12, we hit up the louvre to visit... Wait for it....the.... Not a fake..... Real... Mona Lisa. You would have thought there was a rock concert on up the front, the amount of jostling and moshing that was happening. But after getting the special photo we skedattled to the bridge of love.
I'm referring to the lock bridge. There are these bridges here in Paris where couple have locked on little padlocks to the fencing declaring the undying love in a symbolic padlock and throwing keys in the river. It was extremely quirk and oh so pretty!
From there we ventured along the path from the lourve to the arc de triuphm, in between having a go at shooting some string in a carnival!
After finally arriving at the arc de triuphm, I made the climb alone as Jess rested at the bottom. What's view I had from up there! Honest to goodness it was breath taking, seeing all these roads connect onto one intersection. What a feat, the Paris drivers truly are crazy!!!
But then we headed home to get all dolled up for the moulin rouge!
I didn't really know what to expect, I didn't know what it was about or what it was based upon.
In summary is was breath taking,y unexpected whirlwind of bare chests of make and female kind, tight link leather pants for men, and pretty little g-strings for the women, bedazzled men, and hilarious entertainers!
We even had a lovely American family sitting at our front row table! It was a perfect evening out in Paris ith Jess. The food was delicious!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
The day was a Saturday, 11th of August and a near life changing event happened. It went like this.
There were two very excited girls who had a planned a long weekend get away to Paris, catching the 6.55am Eurostar train from London. A car had been booked to pick them up from their accommodation. The alarms had indeed been set for 4.30, as the car was due at 5.15. But the alarms did not go off! So at 5.05 an a rap on their bedroom doors with a "out of bed?" from Jack caused quite a stir, throwing on clothes left right and centre they dashed out the door, with not a minute to spare. And that my dear friends is exactly what happenned this morning. A near miss alright, we would have had to purchase new train tickets, new Eiffel tower tickets, lose money on our hotel. Not a very nice way to start to tart the morning.
But after a milkshake and a muffin,grins were back on our faces because we were on our way to Paris, the city of love. Be jealous.
After sitting in these deluxe seats bigger than any you'll find on the planes, with amazing head rests and falling a asleep before we were out of the station. There are worse places to wake up, but travelling through the French countryside was not one of them. I was slightly depressed that I had missed our Descent below the ocean, but i'll console myself in that, well it's just a tunnel, right?
Arriving in Paris, saw us make our way to the loos, get the hair straightener and make-up outp, seeing as we hadn't had a chance to look in the mirror yet.
Then feeling very confident we navigated the Paris metro system (train system) to get to our funky as hotel. You need to check it out! This hotel is flipping amazing! When I can post photos I shall. It is extremely retro with bright colours, mix and matched furniture, tasteful graphics drawn on the walls. Perfectly quaint! Fantastic for our short stay!
Check it:
We then headed about 800 metres to the Louvre. Yes, you heard me, it is that close. It is amazing, the site is simply awe inspiring. Honest to goodness the Louvre Palace surrounding the louvre museum is so impressive. The architecture, history, colour, design and vibrancy is simply overwhelming. One of the most beautiful places I have ever had the pleasure to visit.
Our mission however was to find an atm for Jess, as she needed some euros-which pleasantly had a really good exchange rate at the moment with Aussie cash. We then caught the metro to the Eiffel tower, with help from a lovely lady at the station.
Also just putting it out there that Jess and I have the phrase 'Approachable people that will not bite you, and yes, we'd love to take a photo for you' tattooed on our foreheads. At four different times today we were asked to take photos, and give directions... Oh yeh we helped another lost tourist!
But back to the Eiffel tower, so we had accidentally when booking the tickets online, booked a 10.30 tour in the morning, and we wouldn't get in from London on the train until 10.17am. Their was no way we were going to make that right. So being slightly cruel, we played the ignorant and blonde tourists to this lovely lady at the tower, "Oh no, we thought that meant we could come any time after 10.30, oh no, what, what does that mean, oh no?" in my most whiny voice ever. The lady being a sweetheart was able to let us skip all the lines and go to the stairs entrance, we had to walk to level two. I think in her head she was secretly doing an evil laugh. Those stairs were killers! But what the heck we didn't have to buy new tickets, and we were still able to go up!
We went up to the summit, it was spectacular! Seeing all the buildings and places that you only see in movies is so overwhelming. Not to mention the heat today, received quite a nice little bit of sun tan! We then walked down to the river and hopped on a river cruise. Probably wouldn't advise that, it was quite slow and their was no information provided on what we were seeing.
Next up we headed home, after Jess repeatedly tried unsuccessfully to use their stupid rentals bikes. DO NOT RECOMMEND THEM AT ALL!!
And then after she didn't bother saying bonjour to the train help lady, and getting the"I don't speak English go away" telling off from her. We got home, rested then headed out for yummy Italian dinner at Biancos.
Lovely day but it's definitely nice to put my feet up now, very keen on finding a nail salon tomorrow!
Au voir.
There were two very excited girls who had a planned a long weekend get away to Paris, catching the 6.55am Eurostar train from London. A car had been booked to pick them up from their accommodation. The alarms had indeed been set for 4.30, as the car was due at 5.15. But the alarms did not go off! So at 5.05 an a rap on their bedroom doors with a "out of bed?" from Jack caused quite a stir, throwing on clothes left right and centre they dashed out the door, with not a minute to spare. And that my dear friends is exactly what happenned this morning. A near miss alright, we would have had to purchase new train tickets, new Eiffel tower tickets, lose money on our hotel. Not a very nice way to start to tart the morning.
But after a milkshake and a muffin,grins were back on our faces because we were on our way to Paris, the city of love. Be jealous.
After sitting in these deluxe seats bigger than any you'll find on the planes, with amazing head rests and falling a asleep before we were out of the station. There are worse places to wake up, but travelling through the French countryside was not one of them. I was slightly depressed that I had missed our Descent below the ocean, but i'll console myself in that, well it's just a tunnel, right?
Arriving in Paris, saw us make our way to the loos, get the hair straightener and make-up outp, seeing as we hadn't had a chance to look in the mirror yet.
Then feeling very confident we navigated the Paris metro system (train system) to get to our funky as hotel. You need to check it out! This hotel is flipping amazing! When I can post photos I shall. It is extremely retro with bright colours, mix and matched furniture, tasteful graphics drawn on the walls. Perfectly quaint! Fantastic for our short stay!
Check it:
We then headed about 800 metres to the Louvre. Yes, you heard me, it is that close. It is amazing, the site is simply awe inspiring. Honest to goodness the Louvre Palace surrounding the louvre museum is so impressive. The architecture, history, colour, design and vibrancy is simply overwhelming. One of the most beautiful places I have ever had the pleasure to visit.
Our mission however was to find an atm for Jess, as she needed some euros-which pleasantly had a really good exchange rate at the moment with Aussie cash. We then caught the metro to the Eiffel tower, with help from a lovely lady at the station.
Also just putting it out there that Jess and I have the phrase 'Approachable people that will not bite you, and yes, we'd love to take a photo for you' tattooed on our foreheads. At four different times today we were asked to take photos, and give directions... Oh yeh we helped another lost tourist!
But back to the Eiffel tower, so we had accidentally when booking the tickets online, booked a 10.30 tour in the morning, and we wouldn't get in from London on the train until 10.17am. Their was no way we were going to make that right. So being slightly cruel, we played the ignorant and blonde tourists to this lovely lady at the tower, "Oh no, we thought that meant we could come any time after 10.30, oh no, what, what does that mean, oh no?" in my most whiny voice ever. The lady being a sweetheart was able to let us skip all the lines and go to the stairs entrance, we had to walk to level two. I think in her head she was secretly doing an evil laugh. Those stairs were killers! But what the heck we didn't have to buy new tickets, and we were still able to go up!
We went up to the summit, it was spectacular! Seeing all the buildings and places that you only see in movies is so overwhelming. Not to mention the heat today, received quite a nice little bit of sun tan! We then walked down to the river and hopped on a river cruise. Probably wouldn't advise that, it was quite slow and their was no information provided on what we were seeing.
Next up we headed home, after Jess repeatedly tried unsuccessfully to use their stupid rentals bikes. DO NOT RECOMMEND THEM AT ALL!!
And then after she didn't bother saying bonjour to the train help lady, and getting the"I don't speak English go away" telling off from her. We got home, rested then headed out for yummy Italian dinner at Biancos.
Lovely day but it's definitely nice to put my feet up now, very keen on finding a nail salon tomorrow!
Au voir.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Life's bliss when you're a royal!
Yo Ho Bo's! What's cracka lackin?
Well the last couple days here's what was achieved...
- Lazy sleep-in morning (very much deserved)
- A little shopping in Kingston with Jess
- Going to Jessie J's concert and only knowing her last three songs!
- Checking out Buckingham Palace state rooms & mews & changing of the guard & palace gardens
- Realising that today warranted a summer dress and it was not cold once! Proof that miracles really do happen!
- Lunch at Covent Gardens with the girls
- Cooking dinner for the Strawberry vale crew
- Dividing my luggage into; Paris, Europe, Karen....... A long process.
Here's some pics!
Well I'm zonked and I've got to be up at 4.30 to go catch the train to Paris!
Update ya later alligators!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Scared, that's not in my vocabulary.
Yesterday was a whirlwind, I'll compare it to watching the new Batman movie, every moment something exciting was happening, it just never stopped, and you didn't want it to. So lets get into the nitty gritty details, frankly because I'm sure you'll love to hear how Jess punched a London fella (he was asking for it) in the face.
We visited Madame Tussauds in the morning. It was a surreal experience, seeing wax figures, that so closely resembled their real life counter parts. My favourites would have to be the Royal Family shot! It was spectacular. Madame Tussauds has been specifically planned out to give the visitor the most information possible.
You go though a journey, posing with celebrities, then world leaders, sporting stars, the Royal family and historic moments. We then reached the "Horrible Histories" section, a more accurate name would be "A black room, with screaming sounds, mirrors, dead animals, pitch black, with REAL LIFE people jumping and screaming out at you, Hope you enjoy your stay". Each turn brought a new terror to your sight, and if there wasn't a person there ready to take years of your life, the anticipation did instead.
Needless to say Jess and I were glued together as we took the first step, I think Caitlin having experienced similar scary shows at the Royal show, was slightly more prepared than us. In our minds we were like, pft we did the London Dungeons, as if this could be worse. We were wrong.

Some idiot jumped right into Jess's face, and well, up came Jess's fist with her water bottle to boot, poor fella. But honestly what did he expect? Quite a hazardous job really.
Lucky he only had a sore nose, not a broken one. He simply said in a scary voice that had Jess and I quaking, "Hands down girrrrlll". Oh, she put her hands down, as we started almost running with our eyes shut to get out of this hell place.
Caitlin came out looking like the terminator, whilst Jess and I came out shaking, and sweating, decidedly scarred for life.
With a sigh of relief and sadness, mostly relief, this brought the experience of Madame Tuassauds to an end.
Using the Tube we then found ourselves across town, outside Victoria Station having a little picnic in the park before our theatre going debut. We went to watch the production at Wicked. All I can say is phenomenal, it was amazing. The storyline itself was brilliant, showing a whole new perspective to the Wicked Witch of the West, in the Wizard of Oz. And to what a sook Dorothy was. I would most definitely recommend anyone to buy the book, or if they are lucky enough to watch the production.
The actors were brilliant, with beautiful voices! Not to mention the lead male, who I'm sure much to his delight gets to make out twice with both of the two leading ladies during each show, and they perform the show twice a day, you can do the maths. The costumes and scene settings were amazing.
From Wicked we ventured of to Leicester square to our Karaoke debut, it was most definitely a day for firsts. I've never particularly been one for sing star, let alone Karaoke. I have the tendency to sound like a dying animal of sorts. But our little booth just out of the heart of Chinatown was some of the best fun I have had in a long time.
Little did we know, the security camera in the booth, witnessing our downfalls in singing and dancing, was coming up of the security screens in the bar for all to see.
However prior warning should be given, that I can no longer listen to Payphone without shivers running down my back, we destroyed that song. However blasting out long forgotten songs with a small group of friends was bliss.
From there we hit up Chinatown to get some dinner. It was a cute little Chinese restaurant, our waiter never smiled. Ever. I can announce I ate Duck for the first time. I'm not some huge animal lover, but I just always remember feeding them bread at the pond, giving them something yummy to eat. Not fattening them up so the local Chinese shop owner and grab 'em, pluck 'em, behead 'em, roast 'em, and serve 'em.
But I got past that and ate 'em. I think I would compare it to eating chicken stuffing. Not my cup of tea.
Then being extremely tired, I headed home with Karen and Mad's, leaving Jess and Caitlin to party up in Chinatown.
What a day.
I'll add some more pics up of this day on another blog, just can't find the dang cord for Mad's camera to get pictures off :)
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
It must be love.
The hectic life, is my life and I absolutely love it! I love being tired from running around a new city and experiencing new things.
The last few days have been extremely educational and interesting, as well as fully jam packed of touristy things and tea breaks!
This is what I've been up to...
My best friend Jess arrived from the big scary world of Oz on Sunday afternoon, which was absolutely wonderful! So lovely to see great friends, especially when we're about to embark on such a wonderful adventure together! Then later that evening her cousin Caitlyn arrived, which is great! The more the merrier!
Monday saw us hit up the hop on hop off bus tours, getting a real feel for what we do and don't want to see. For instance we just had to re-visit Westminster Abbey, and need never see again the the district behind waterloo station, old industrial area thats now been revamped since it was blown to pieces during the great blitz, truly they did us a favour by bombing it, no need to repair it....
We then hit up Knightsbridge for some shopping at Harrods and of course a shopping expedition in London would not be complete without introducing this two London shopping virgins to Topshop and Zara. The girls have been absolutely blown away by the fantastic clothes that are on sale!
Then after crawling home on the trains we got up at 7.30am this morning. Aka Jess, the coolest girl out, came and hopped into bed with me, "Time to wake up", my response "yehhhhhhhh, later bro".
However I did have my hair curled and make up done by 8, and downstair for brekky , whilst they were all still in their jammies, eating brekky, and gossiping away.
We then jumped on the train to be scarred from the London Dungeons, however huge delays on the rail network, resulted in us changing lines, and adjusting our plans, but never feared we still arrived in time to be scarred.... a lottttt....

Our group for the tour was quite stimulating in itself. first off we walked in the initial scary introductory room, where there were 'dead' rats hanging down from the roof that we would walk into, absolutely scaring the little girl who was say around 12 years old, enough that she did not start screaming, and then of course much to my delight a scary lady all dressed up, with a white ghoulish face of make make up and loud croaky voice started jumping at the young girl, which resulted in the girls screams breaking the sound barrier.
The next blog-worthy mention was when after hearing about how surgeons use to high grave robbers to steal dead bodies so they could explore the human body. Here's some prior knowledge you need to understand this. A Nana had brought along her two assumed grandsons, the younger of the two was already freaking out, so Nana being as good of a nana is that brings their grand kids to a scar show, says just don't look, come here as he huddles into her chest.
A yound man (qute a looker actually) 'voluntered' to sit in the torture chair, he was starpped in- simply his hands- and the utentials surgeons used to extricated bodily organs, such as slicing of hands was demonstrated on this guy, lets call him Ted. So when the scary surgeon went to chop Ted's hands off, the lights went dark, and all of a sudden a light spray of water was squirted from the walls onto us- it was meant to be the blood, you know.
The next thing, lights are on, and we hear, "I think he fainted, yep, he fainted".
Absolutely made my day! The little squirt had flat out fainted on his Nana. Poor Nana, she looked terrible, as if she'd just committed treason.
Above: The hang mans noose ride. It was pitch black and we'd just watched people get hanged. Not a nice feeling.
But otherwise it was on the up from there, learnt a tonne of interesting history, hit up the London eye and saw some terrific views, and then attended the Westminster Abbey tour.
Now let me just tell you Westminster is and absolutely MUST see for visotrs. Honest to goodness there is simply so much history to remember. Breath taking.
Then of course we then went to The Ritz for afternoon tea, which was absolutely scrumptous. i had orange and passionfruit tea, delicious!!
Now here I am tired and sore but so excited for tomorrow. You'll hear about that another time! x
The last few days have been extremely educational and interesting, as well as fully jam packed of touristy things and tea breaks!
This is what I've been up to...
My best friend Jess arrived from the big scary world of Oz on Sunday afternoon, which was absolutely wonderful! So lovely to see great friends, especially when we're about to embark on such a wonderful adventure together! Then later that evening her cousin Caitlyn arrived, which is great! The more the merrier!
Then after crawling home on the trains we got up at 7.30am this morning. Aka Jess, the coolest girl out, came and hopped into bed with me, "Time to wake up", my response "yehhhhhhhh, later bro".
However I did have my hair curled and make up done by 8, and downstair for brekky , whilst they were all still in their jammies, eating brekky, and gossiping away.
We then jumped on the train to be scarred from the London Dungeons, however huge delays on the rail network, resulted in us changing lines, and adjusting our plans, but never feared we still arrived in time to be scarred.... a lottttt....
Our group for the tour was quite stimulating in itself. first off we walked in the initial scary introductory room, where there were 'dead' rats hanging down from the roof that we would walk into, absolutely scaring the little girl who was say around 12 years old, enough that she did not start screaming, and then of course much to my delight a scary lady all dressed up, with a white ghoulish face of make make up and loud croaky voice started jumping at the young girl, which resulted in the girls screams breaking the sound barrier.
The next blog-worthy mention was when after hearing about how surgeons use to high grave robbers to steal dead bodies so they could explore the human body. Here's some prior knowledge you need to understand this. A Nana had brought along her two assumed grandsons, the younger of the two was already freaking out, so Nana being as good of a nana is that brings their grand kids to a scar show, says just don't look, come here as he huddles into her chest.
A yound man (qute a looker actually) 'voluntered' to sit in the torture chair, he was starpped in- simply his hands- and the utentials surgeons used to extricated bodily organs, such as slicing of hands was demonstrated on this guy, lets call him Ted. So when the scary surgeon went to chop Ted's hands off, the lights went dark, and all of a sudden a light spray of water was squirted from the walls onto us- it was meant to be the blood, you know.
The next thing, lights are on, and we hear, "I think he fainted, yep, he fainted".
Absolutely made my day! The little squirt had flat out fainted on his Nana. Poor Nana, she looked terrible, as if she'd just committed treason.
Above: The hang mans noose ride. It was pitch black and we'd just watched people get hanged. Not a nice feeling.
But otherwise it was on the up from there, learnt a tonne of interesting history, hit up the London eye and saw some terrific views, and then attended the Westminster Abbey tour.
Now let me just tell you Westminster is and absolutely MUST see for visotrs. Honest to goodness there is simply so much history to remember. Breath taking.
Now here I am tired and sore but so excited for tomorrow. You'll hear about that another time! x
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Posted by
Jayllee Elizabeth
2:38 PM
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