Monday, February 27, 2012


Well, I didn't think this morning, I would have booked flights for Melbourne, or a ticket for Planet shakers in April.

That in a month and I half I would be visiting my besties!

Money, it gives you the ability to make these spontaneous decisions...

One day I'll travel like this. But at the moment I'm more than happy with my budget airline. Well, so long as it safely transports me from Perth to Melbourne, with my body still in one piece. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Supremely Lazyyyyy

Well about time for another update, in my not so fast paced life. 

 Up-coming is uni, i start back this coming week. I have been blessed that i am able to do two of my units online; economics and accounting- this shall be interesting. Then travel to Perth on Wednesdays for my two public relation classes. 

Today/ this past week i have been finding it very difficult to begin planning/completing applications and paperwork. I realise that the quicker I get everything done the better. But I'm just in those pfftt sort of attitudes.  Lazy it would seem. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Little things!

So life's pretty sa---swwweet at the moment. Ticking along, filling in applications, doctors appointments, wasting so much money on things that are required to live :(

 However one up today i bought $510.00 worth of clothing from Susan Grae for $91.83. Cha-ching!

 Bargain and they are fantastic!

 So happyyyyy!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Successssss is sweet!

D-day finally happened!

 I received an e-mail yesterday informing me that, yes, I had been accepted at the University of Hertfordshire!


Thursday, February 16, 2012


Wow, whirlwind of thoughts going through my head at the moment.

Primarily based around Europe featuring my new undertaking to conquer the beautiful
language of Spanish.

It began like this….

Once upon a time there was this young lady with a delicate shade of red hair,
slouching at her work desk in exasperation as she surveyed pile after pile of tedious
paper work in the immediate vicinity. With one more glance up, a check to the door,
listen for footsteps, a much needed iPhone fix was required.

After checking the usual informational updates; facebook, instagram, eBay, and
quick game of temple run, she has a quick squiz at Gumtree- an application website
where people from all around the world can post job ads, sell products, services, post
community announcements. Simply everything that could be happening in your area
of the small world.

There she saw it, 2 or three announcements from the top of the page. One 32 year old
Spanish lady wanting to learn English in exchange for Spanish. She re-read the plea,
why not? She thought as she hit the reply button.

And that’s how in 6 months time I will be fluent. I met with Teresa on Tuesday
evening, and she’s lovely. So I can’t wait for our proper lessons to being officially
next Monday. On that tone.

Hasta luego

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Glowing like a Princess

Glowing. There is this fellow at my work, he's quite the character, he keeps me entertained.

Where I live we get hot, hot as in weeks of straight 40 degree. I was in: steel cap boots, high vis and Longg hot clothes!

Not fun!

I walk into my office after walking around the plant.

I comment "Boy, I'm sweating like a pig!",

"Ladies don't sweat," commented this intriguing man.

I looked at him with disbelief as a bead of perspiration dripped of my face, he followed "Women glow".

It is simply indelicate for women to say 'sweat'. They only glow!

 Well least to say I'm glowing to the extreme at the moment.

I'm happy to update that I went for a 30minute fast pace run, 50 sit ups, and 10 half hearted push ups! Shamefully I will admit that my alarm clock has gone off the past two mornings at 5 and I've hit the snooze button twice!

Third times the charm and I'll try and make up for it tomorrow!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mindless mumblings...

This blog update is going to be a killer one.  Its consists of 4 other blog updates that I was supposed to post in the last couple weeks, but never got around to uploading them.  Life has just been too busy. Well not busy. More like my lack of desire to go complete a two second job like copy and paste this into the blog entry section, and click publish.Also does not help when the 15 year-old younger brother downloads World of War Craft twice on two separate computers using up 50GB of internet usage, leaving the rest of the family with simply no internet.

10th February

Yesterday one of my friends was accepted into Law, at a uni I was looking at going to. And now after establishing that yes, I would continue with commerce, I am all muddled up again! (You’ll understand this more once you read the January entry!)

 I think I shall leave to God. If I get into exchange (which I am waiting to hear back from any day now), I shall continue with Commerce, if I don’t, I think I shall switch over to Law. Exciting. I just decided.

 My Mum has a friend that works or helps at (I’m not quite sure yet) at a homeless shelter in Bunbury! Hopefully I’ll be able to go see if I can help out, once Mum has spoken and gathered a bit more information on it! I really feel as if I will be able to use my time constructively then!

7th February

This year I have a small goal I would like to achieve. Read a least one book a week. By a book I define it as over say 200 pages.
 I love to read, and have amassed a large sum of books that need to be read. I seem to be in the habit of buying new books but always reading my oldie favourites.

Last well (well I completed it last night) was Stephanie Laurens book…. To be honest- why not?, it was a great read, however it was this time one of those books you could put down and come back to. It didn’t have me sitting on the edge, fingers grasping the paper and harshly turning pages like there was no tomorrow.  I think I would probably rate if a 6.5 out of 10. But that’s because in comparison to my favourites of hers, it just didn’t grab me as much.

I then began this other book last night called How to change the world in seven ways.

So today I am also beginning another new Stephanie Laurens book I purchased called The Edge of Desire. Saucy I know. But it’s not really. Historical romances are my favourite.

5th February

Did you know that if your household income is over $54 000 per year, you are within the top 4% income earners of the WORLD.

That is ridiculous. But ridiculous or not a fact is a fact.

I was at church on Sunday. And the sermon was fantastic. The link below posts to it.

It was all about the importance that we place upon money, and not the things that we have but the need money creates, cravings for the latest gadgets. The continually moving line of what we want. It was a very driven and in your face sermon, simply fantastic.

To me it helped, as lately I have been feeling a little lost. Am I doing what is right for me, is this what I should be doing? Am I wasting my time? Should I do this instead?

See I really adore children. And I would love to do some mission work. Work with an orphanage. Teach English. Become a leader in a small community. Even though some people would believe, I would do a ‘year of service’ only to ‘dress-up’ my resume.  Get a grip.

I think when all is said and done, once my degree is complete. I’m going somewhere far away. Start off somewhere completely different to what I’ve never been or dreamt of doing. Shake up my life a bit. Spontaneity never hurt. Much.  Meet new people. Do new things. Use the gifts God’s given me as He see fits. 

Sometime in January- but exactly what I'm still deciding between!

At the moment I’m indecisive. With university.

I am currently about to begin my second year studying a bachelor of Commerce majoring in Public Relations and Management.

I adore Public relations, in that I get to do a bit of everything, communications, writing designing, managing, promoting, marketing, working ain a team, being creative. It is fantastic. I think that it’s a ‘refreshing’ sort of area.  Where I can be an individual and work with many different types of people. It’s also a very adaptable area because everything, I mean everything needs public relations. Public relations can be called communications, marketing, everything really that has to do with managing how a target audience or companies publics perceive an organisation. It’s about presenting different facets of the company to the world, and achieving an overall goal.

I think I find it challenging in that every one will interpret things differently. You need to analyse rethink and re-plan according to what and how different people react. It’s almost but not quite manipulative. There is a fine line between what is ethical and unethical in public relations. I expect that at times that line may become blurred at times during my career. But that’s when the fun will begin.

 My other major management, management is quite simple. I like to think of it as extremely bossy people teaching bossy people how to be bossy in a non-bossy way. 

Management is okay, it’s not very stimulating, at times learning about different types of people, reactions and managing techniques is interesting. But I think my ulterior motive for studying management is that it is so vague and simply general knowledge that you can apply the skills taught to any position. As such I view it as one of my ways of getting into the mines. Where I am from, (Western Australia) the mines are where the big $$$ are. But I’m not so certain that’s what I want.

In the past years I have always wanted to do law. However when the time came to apply for university courses, I decided that really I didn’t want to do that. But now after doing a law unit, and blitzing it. I look at all the units I have done and after my Public relations units, Business law would be my absolute favourite. It was hard, but I didn’t mind studying my butt off for it because I enjoyed it.

 So now when I have to start studying specific units for each individual major (I have already began my PR units), I am not really thrilled at the though of studying strategic management, or human resource management. I would much rather be studying the business law units.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I see red. I see red.

It’s been a short while since my last update. Not to much to ‘blog’ about as such.

I am currently engrossed in hairstyles. My hair is very long, thick and has a sort of unique reddy/blonde colour to it. I found this channel on youtube called Lilith Moon, it’s a European lady that does all these simply beautiful hair tutorials. They are really simple to follow, and turn out stunningly.