Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Something I never said I would do.

Ahh the joys of university. right now, yes at this exact moment i should be consolidating my study notes, and prepping for my mid semester exam but instead I thought I really need to maintain my blogging and the only way to do that is to make time for it and blog!

So the crazy things going on in my life at the moment.

1. Accounting Med Semester Tomorrow
2. Accounting Assignment due next week- have not begun.
3. Economics mid Semester next week. 
4. Economics Assignment due next week- rough plan.
5. India Commonwealth Games presentation next week
6. Summit weekly Video Diary- today
7. Watch 2x 3 hour economics and accounting ilecture- the highlights of my week.  
8. Leave for Melbourne next Saturday!
9. Planet shakers conference in 10 days!

All whilst attempting to not obsess over the Hunger Games and Josh Hutcherson. The troubles I face in lifeeeeee! Hecticc!


Travel Update

This week my bestie Jess came over and we planned out London & Paris jaunt in AUgust!

It is going to cost an arm and a leg so i shall have to somehow budget tighter than i am right about now! Insane!

Rough outline we came up with!

London eye  & Madame Tussauds & London dungeons 50.00 or exclude eye 37.00
London theatre- Wicked 80.00
London Pass 99.00
The Design Museum London 10.00
London Bicycle Tour 18.95
The London Bridge Experience! 23.00
St Paul's Cathedral 14.50
Thames River Cruise in London 13.50

Sub total 229.00 GP equals $346.75AUD

Disneyland- Whole day 50.00 euro
Eiffel tower- ?
Moulin rough & dinner 180.00 euro

Money money money!

Well I'll leave you on the sympathetic note and get back to cramming for accounting!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Life has been absolutely crazy at the moment! I am busy 24/7! 

My to do list is never getting smaller! 

Well exciting! I booked my flights yesterday! One-way to London babbbyyy!

Fly from Perth

To Singapore

To Delhi, India

To London, United Kingdom

Look out it's official! 

It is also my Birthday tomorrow! the big TWO-OOOOO! Insane, time has just speed by. I can only hope that I don't waste anything!

Therefore as tomorrow is my Birthday it makes sense that tomorrow is my Birthday Party as well! Slightly nervous! But it shall be fun!

Well just a short one as i have a mammoth amount of homework to do :)

 Peace and loveeeee

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Frantic Fanatic!!

So much is happening at the moment. 

Uni is most definitely back. I am attempting to get my head around all my now time consuming assignments. There are just so MANY! It is insane!

I feel like pulling my hair out. But well that hurts. 

I do so love playing with my hair :)