Now where did I leave all you poor suckers at? You weren't with me today when I hit up my first German castle, checked out the biggest crystal in the world, or chugged down a beer with my amazing new adopted German Mum, Ute. No, oh to bad. This is what's gone down in the last 48 hours.
I had some awesome girls in my dormitory room in Edinburgh, an Aussie chick that's over here for exchange as well, she's going to Nottingham University. Small world eh?
Bused it to the air port after grabbing a old American mans return bus ticket because he didn't need it. Sweet chap, saved me £6! Did the whole check in, go through security thing, busted my new sandals :( the to cheer myself up, I bought some new OPI nail polishes and SJP perfume!
However the journey on the plane was not to pleasant. Similar to the bus journey to Edinburgh the stink, unfortunately it seemed that the not so little man in the seat in front of me also had not heard of a new invention, a thing called deodorant. What a sheltered life he must live? So other than a constant lingering odour that smelt of dead fish mixed with bad morning breath, it was a delightful flight.
Arriving in Munich, Germany was not as worrying as I had perhaps thought it would be. The immigration dude was easy, and the border security non-existent, like all European nations. and them wait for it. This:

Isn't she the best? Melanie made me my first ever welcome sign! Such a sweety!
We hit the road to travel to her little village of Midelsetten. Note the blue dot!

After unpacking and relaxing, we had a delicious tea and cakes, before ending out to the beer garden for. Traditional Bavarian dinner. Now if like me you didn't realise that Germany is split in several states now you do. Bavaria is the biggest and that is currently we I am.
It so pretty they are literally all little illages connected by farmland and tiny title lane ways. I also sited Ruropes largest all wood bridge. I got some beautiful photos! Also we had a massive storm last night, one of the houses in the village next to us was struck by lighting and the house was burnt to the ground.

The Berlin wall all so extended down through Branden, Berlin( of course), and Saxony!..... Crazy.
Mel had to head to work today, bunt before she cooked me traditional Bavarian breakfast! Was absolutely delicious! She took yesterday off to come pick me up, and is calling in sick for the next two days, I and the house to myself. So after finding a charger for my my iPad, I left the wall adaptor for my apple products back in England. Idiot Jayllee. I painted my nails and watched a bit of Notting hill. As I was watching it, there were so many scenes I was like. I'VE BEEN THEREEEEEE!!
But Ute finished work and picked me up. We headed off to visit a Castle Scholls Prunn, with a German speaking tour guide and me with the English information sheets. Then hit up the crystal museum. The was amazing! The crystals and jewels! Wow! They are huge! The biggest crystal in the world was there, and wait for it....... I TOUCHED IT! And then ran for dear life, as , well you are not really supposed to be touching it!
After all this sightseeing we headed to another gorgeous little beer garden next door!
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