Friday saw me hanging with Mel's older brother Steffen and his lovely girlfriend Rosie, and also their cousin Flecity and her boyfriend Alex, which also happens to be Steffen's best mate. Happy times.
The bar we went to was crazy different, well at least in comparison to other bars/pubs I've been to. It was in the 'attic', now before you get crazy ideas, it was not some old dark and dusty little bar under the eaves of some dingy, but the top floor of a fancy smancy hotel with a glass roof, with massive ancient beams of wood from the original building, overlooking a castle on the mountain in front of us.
Saturday had us day tripping to Nurenborg, one of the closest cities. Nuremborg had 90% of it's buildings destroyed during a two hour bombing raid during WWII. This was a mainstage for Hitler's motivational speeches, and control centre, now days it's houses a lot of uni students, and tourists.
It has a wonderful old castle in prime position in the centre of town, with a huge guard wall surrounding the city.

I figure the two headed eagle, which is Nuremborg's castle coat of arms, was originally from Collie!
Had to spin this little god ring three times to get lucky! Or pregnant, there was two rings, one to help get pregnant one for luck.
I had some quick retail therapy here, purchasing a personalized Nuremborg monopoly! Yes, I realize not the most convenient piece of luggage to carry around, but so worth it! I also bought this AMAZING adapter device for my iPad tha reads four different accessories. Basic,y I an now store all my pictures from my sd card on my iPad now, read subs and all this fun jazz! Keen!

Came across this shop :)
Saturday night was filled with my first official German festival. It was fantastic, getting all dressed up in traditional dress, dancing on bales -EVERYONE DOES THIS- so weird but fun. After seeing a. Duke people falling off tables, drinkming and dancing was really a hazard over here!

Say saw a bright and early 6M start off to Neuschwanstein Castle. Be jealous this is what fairy tales are made from. However the walk to the op of the mountain was slightly made harder from my extremely sore leg. The decide was not of gold, more wooden interior than the other King Ludwig II castles. We then proceeded to gave lunch in Austria, whilst driving through the alps, to visit our the final of King Ludwig II castles.

Came across this shop :)
Saturday night was filled with my first official German festival. It was fantastic, getting all dressed up in traditional dress, dancing on bales -EVERYONE DOES THIS- so weird but fun. After seeing a. Duke people falling off tables, drinkming and dancing was really a hazard over here!

Say saw a bright and early 6M start off to Neuschwanstein Castle. Be jealous this is what fairy tales are made from. However the walk to the op of the mountain was slightly made harder from my extremely sore leg. The decide was not of gold, more wooden interior than the other King Ludwig II castles. We then proceeded to gave lunch in Austria, whilst driving through the alps, to visit our the final of King Ludwig II castles.

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