So I absolutely love La Crosse, get ready to be absolutely bombarded with war stories about sports in next four months!
I'm up for anything, boxing, netball, basketball, swing dancing, however I do draw the line at polercise. Not going to happen in a million years, that is something the world never ever ever needs to see. I have two of the best scabs on my knees from basketball, so intensely good that I couldn't bend my knee for two days, thoroughly worth the pain as i was allowed to look at these superb german basketball players to make matters better, they were twins! Keen much.
So I haven't told you much about my flatmates, there is a lot of us in kitchen 42, yes, you read right. Not flat 42 kitchen 42... this is why the abbreviation WTF was invented.
But back to the roomies, i have couple awesome, couple ave, and two just plain wack jobs.
Nick, Mick, Laura and Dan are amazing! Absolutely love them to bits, they're all quite younger 18, except Nick he's 21, he's the gramps of the flat. We have this Malayasian girl, Novell, who I have seen exactly twice in the last two weeks. She's a mirage. Then theres our nocturnal, stove top mess maker who I only see at night- no idea what his name is.... Plus you add in a French guys who thinks the world is against him, a dwarf who's clearly never accepted the fact that he's short and tries to make up for it be extensively working out, so it now looks like he has another pair of legs coming out his shoulders and a sweet as Nigerian chick then you've got yourself flat 42.
Well tonight I am off to the Orchestra, it should be fabulous! Love you and leave you!
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