Sunday, September 23, 2012

University of Hertfordshire welcomes you.

It's been a week since I last did a blog update and I feel like I have neglected my baby.

This last week has been a whirlwind of meeting new people, learning how a real uni actually socialises and settling in to my new home for the next 4 and a bit months.

 I was super blessed to find and awesome group of friends from all around the world. However the close group that quickly formed is made up of one American and four Aussies. I'm, sure this will change but at the moment it is fabulous having people I can talk to, without needing to completely focus upon each individual syllable. Just saying.

 However slightly ashamedly I've have been out every single night, partying it up, like I'm a first year. but it has been marvelous. The one nightclub at uni is bigger and better than all the one's in my home town (Bunbury). Dead set, it also has much, much, much cheaper drinks.

It has been an absolute blast unpacking and setting up my room, not living out of a suitcase. Each day thinking I can sleep in, I don't have anything to see today, I can simply chill, was a TV show and veg out.

It has been a pleasure  to cook actual meals, and stop spending so much money each day.

I also thought is was a valid point that I really should mention. I'm out at the shops and I'm torn between whether i should purchase some chicken, 2 for 7 pounds. I was almost not to going to get some, but was like I really do need to eat meat. However, when I went to the alcohol section, I'm like okay 10 pounds, 3 4xpacks of Smirnoff, bargain.  Warped priorities much?

Had to have a quiet laugh to myself.

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