Arriving in Prague, we drove through what I like to call the 'Ghetto' area, the stay away from, forbidden area;graffiti everywhere, derelict buildings, smashed glass, drunks, bums etc. Just as the PA voice over the bus informs us we were almost there, the bus came to a halt. I thought what the heck have I got myself into? I'm a gonna, dead meat were getting let out in the slums? But false alarm, we weren't being abandoned, it was just a red traffic light. Ten minutes later we arrived at the main train station, another 10 minutes later I was down €28, a 1.5km away from where I arrived, and supposedly right near my hostel. Let me explain, I would probably I agree I deserved to get ripped off, my logic went like this. I was tired, hungry, and in the "I can't be bothered dragging my suitcase" mood, therefore the cost of laziness is €28. However I proceeded to get a little lost wandering the alleys, until I gave up and went into a Pizzeria to ask for directions.
It went like this
"Ahh, excuse me, do you know where the Madhouse Hostel is?"
"The Madhouse," then she gives me good five second stare, "It's next door".
"Thanks", smiling at my idiocy I duck my head and run outside. Oppsie daisy
However the day was looking up from there! The hostel was amazing! Not very big, the guys were awesome, so welcoming and friendly. They took us out that night which was amazing. So I've got to be honest,no point not being now. I'm pretty certain that over my entire in Prague I had around 6 hours sleep, ill sum it up with percentages. I was drunk 30% of the time, hungover 60% and dead to the world for 10%. But it was AMAZING, the Aussie chicks, kiwi, English and American fellas was sweethearts. We had an absolute blast! The drinks were so cheap, it was pointless to refuse.

But I was up and ready to go by 9.30 the next morning,I wandered streets, took in the sites, and this is hat I observed.
- The retail workers are not pleasant, they don't smile, or help at least every single shop I've been into. The change room ladies should be sacked, these ladies do not talk or put the clothes on the rack, you have to do it all the time they're glaring at you when talking in another language to a person on the person. 10 points for customer service dickhead.
- Food is cold i.e. quiches, I haven't seen any sausage rolls or pies since London
- Hand towels are crappy blue green recycled that just tear when you wipe your hands.
- The bouncers use violence on girls.
- The train system is very efficient.
- Try not to get lost, Prague has not embraced the whole tourist era yet, there is very few sign posts with any other language other than there own.
- If you are catching a bus, make sure you know where the international bus station is, because nobody else does, and it's a cow to find!
- Don't go to the zoo.
So I guess it sounds as if I really didn't like it, but I think I'd simplify itand say perhaps I'm not a fan of the Czech culture, but the people at the hostel and the good times we had made up for it!
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