Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Problems we girls face.
Well scored myself the most beautiful and bestest present. A GHD Scarlet Hair straightner. I am in love <3
But at the moment I do have a small issue. I have no idea what to wear for New Years. I bought a couple of dresses last week. But I’m not really ‘feeling’ any of them. Only girls would understand that.
So I shall go out late night shopping tonight and see what I can source!
Otherwise I shall update again next year, minus a few brain cells after this weekend!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Plastic Fantastic.
Friendship. I think after due amount of time you can actually know a person in a freaky abnormal way. For example my best friend. Kristie. She hosted a small Christmas party on the weekend. Somehow the topic of plastic surgery came up, the consensus was plastic surgery is bad. That unless medical reasons demanded it, the knife was unnecessary. I kept my mouth shut and nodded. My best friend sitting beside me said “Jayllee, your thinking about your nose, aren’t you?”. I looked at her, and said “Yep”. I’m all for non-extreme plastic surgery. By extreme, I guess, I think of the plastic addicts as people that would melt in the sun.
The fact that I hadn’t said one word and she was like, yeh I know what you’re thinking, cow. Means she has actually been listening for the past seven years of nose related complaints and self centred whinging. She deserves a pretty darn good round of applause for not de-friending me.
Reminiscing. One other brilliant moment that was the make or break of our friendship was the Kelly Clarkson Concert of 2006, we were 13 and dressed to what we thought was the epitome fashion. Photo bellow is proof.
We were wrong, on so many levels.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Topsy Turvy //
What’s on my mind? Well today’s my Mum’s 43rd birthday. She’s simply the bestest person ever. To spoil her, which she really needs, my family and I bought her two tickets to of see Roen Keating at a Day on the Green. Finger crossed she’ll have a blast! And on Saturday I’m cooking dinner for the family. That is going to be interesting. If anyone comes down sick from eating whatever I produce from that place called a kitchen, it is not my fault. There will be a disclaimer as you walk through the door. “Anything you consume from this point on is not the responsibility of the females in this house”. Keen.
Second topic for discussion is that I also began reading this book written by Tony Wheeler, one of the founders of Lonely Planet. It is called Bad Lands. So far (I have only read the first few chapters) it’s turning out into a very interesting read. It’s all about the ‘badlands’, you know the deal, Afghanistan, North Korea. All the places we are told not to go. So what did he do? He went there. I am thinking that that was pretty game of him, it’s similar to being the only drink left in a room full of alcoholics. There is no way your getting out of there.
In the beginning of the book he quotes a Persian poet Hafez which states “Although the road may be dangerous and the final destination far out of sight. There is no route which does not come to an end: do not despair. “
I really enjoyed that. Basically no matter the pain it all has to come to an end one day. So I think in this perspective he’s talking about as if yeh travelling through these places may be one crappy trip, but it has got to finish eventually!
Third topic for the day, is my scratchy world map! This is a present I received from my friends Specky, she had me for secret Santa! It is one of the greatest presents I have received. And yes I do understand that I opened it a bit early, but there was no way I could not!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Yesterday I was out running. When I run I listen to music, or sometimes just have a good old chat to God, whilst puffing, sweating and simply trying my hardest to keep moving those legs. However yesterday I came across something that I feel God’s put on my heart. For the first time instead running my regular circuit, I backtracked and criss-crossed over parts. I have never done this. Not in the 6 years I have been living in Bunbury, have I ever changed the general direction that I run. But yesterday I felt like it. So my run took me back across to this little old church and park, with a small lake. It is really quite lovely, with gorgeous willow tree, there branches sinking into waters, and black as night swans, and squawking ducks. However, as I was walking up through the car park - it is on a slight hill, I look to my left where the grave yard is.
-A bit a back ground information, this church is the second oldest church and grave yard within Western Australia and has such pretty graves.-
However back to the story, as I was walking and looking around, I saw what looked like to be a person lying longways, still, over three steps leading up out of the car park to the church. My first thought was Oh no. I’ve come across a dead body. There was no one else around, and it was almost 7 o’clock at night. What should I do?
Now most people that know are aware that I am short sited, so simply put I can’t see things that are extremely far away, they appear fuzzy and indistinct. This was, as you could imagine, a slight problem. As I now had to approach this person to see if he/she was alive.
So the two scenarios in my head were:
A) Jayllee you’ve just come across a dead man, run to the nearest house and call the police, if first aid can not be applied.
B) He’s a homeless man, and how can you help.
The moment of truth, as I was approaching the still man, I was about 10metres away his leg twitched. Hallelujah the man’s alive!! After establishing he was alive I let out the biggest sigh of release. EVER.
But now on second thoughts what I did now is terrible. I thought the best and safest action was to run home it was only 5 minutes, tell Mum and Dad and see we could get him to a homeless shelter for the night. However my fruitless searches turned up no shelters in Bunbury. I am disgusted that there were no places readily available that people could go to when they are in such situations.
Now, feeling very ashamed. I couldn’t bring him to my house because, well, simply, I didn’t know the man, and I wasn’t prepared to put my families safety and home in danger. Looking back at it now, I feel that there should have been more I could do. But what? Apart from bringing him to my house, giving him a meal, and then kicking him back out onto the street. Yeah that’s a good idea, here have a feed, okay, see ya now, that park bench looks pretty comfy.
It was quite the situation. I never thought that homelessness was an issue in Bunbury. But I guess I have been walking around with my eyes shut. I am going to do something. What I don’t know. Wait and see.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Wake-up. Work. Eat. Sleep. *Repeat*