Today, well, actually no, this evening, I’ve been thinking about the things I appreciate about life. Very deep and meaningful I assure you.
One thing, I absolutely adore is watercolours. I adore the blends of colours; they bring objects to life, so bright and happy.
I have these three small watercolours that my Mum bought for me when she was in Scotland a little while ago. They are very simple, but the simplest things in life can really be the very best, at least I think so. The saying less is more, comes to mind.

I also have this obscure passion for maps. All types and sizes. Old, new, techno and paper. I think it’s because I like to know where I am, plus I’m such a noisy busy body I have to know everything about anything!
At the moment I can count at least 6 maps in my bedroom. It’s not like I’m a crazy stalker person with maps caked all over my room. My mother would never allow me to put that much blue tack on my walls. At the moment I’ve only got one huge map of Europe up. Self explanatory really, planning a Europe trip, therefore a map of Europe is really quite essential. My friends have helped with expand the collection, with the random types of globes, they are simply the bestest.
But that brings me to my bedroom. I love my bedroom. My parents renovated it for me whilst I was away last year. It looks quite epically marvellous! It’s like having my own little granny flat.

We call it the departure room, first my brother had it before he left, and now its my turn. Except I keep coming back. It is absolutely killing my other brother, at 15, he really craves the space.
Well that’s all for now.
Status update:
Perfecting the art of torture for little brothers.
oh you are mean......