Saturday, May 18, 2013

As life goes on shizz keeps happening!

And we're off again!

Yes, it's been five five months roughly since my last 'blog', but I've got a feeling that this shizz is about to start getting real again!

 So after being home since the 1st of Feb I've absolutely indulged in hanging with the family, chilling out, actually learning something at uni unlike the english uni, which to be honest was an absolute joke.

Now I've got three weeks left of uni, two weeks til I find out if I've got an interview over in Canberra for a graduate job next year! Fingers crossed, I desperately want to move over east! Friends, friends and opportunities! But one more semester to go afterwards, then I'll have that flipping gold plated piece of paper with my name stamped on it and the words bachelor of  commerce attached to it!

Off to New Zealand for the July uni holidays with the little brother! Should a delight, got to hang out with the gramps before he eventually carks it! Love him to death.... lolling at my pun :) 

Plus kick in a bit of skiing or snow boarding whatever takes the fancy in Queenstown!

So hopefully there'll be a few more regular updates... Oh an I made the decision if I don't get any of the graduate jobs i applied for, Canada has my name written all over it! So there for at least two years, do the typical Aussie thing and work at a sky lodge and travel whenever! So really it's a win win, grow up or keep being a gypsy :) 

We shall see which one prevails huh?

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