Saturday, August 4, 2012

Images, photos, pictures, graphics, illustrations and all that jazz,.

You should all very happy reading this, I finally have my laptop back, therefore my blog updates will now have paragraphs! (yay paragraphs), and secondly I should be able to bombard you with photos!

However about that later, crazy stuffs been happening! I caught up with my Air Force buddy Warlum last night, which was delightful. Hearing what he's been up to and also new goss he's in the know about. Fantastic way to spend an evening!

I shall let the pictures speak for themselves.

Just some stones that have been baffling human kind for thousands of years.


Rain makes hair frizzy. Plastic stops rain. Plastic rain jacket = God's present to women.

My local hangout back in the day. 

This is just such a stunning photo my Mum took. 

Ahhh you know when you watch those border security shows and see people sitting on the ground looking like homeless people. I joined their club. Repacking at Heathrow. 

My fabulous Mum conquering her fear of heights (We were on the roof of Trim Castle)

The Amsterdam Pancake. Tthe best thing I have EVER had. 

Being a tourist, and ticking off all the corny photographs. 

CarnabySst in London, cute not so little globe, just incase you forgot which planet you were on. 

My future Sister and Brother-in-law at Hamleys.

Hampton Court. Quick little culture observation here, England has the loveliest parks in manors, however none of it is mowed. it's like someone thought, we own these lands, why do we need to mow them. 

Olympic rings.

Next up Warlum is amazing, because he gave me two tickets to the sailing in WEymouth ( down south) on Monday! So very excited to go watch and cheer on the Aussies and Kiwis!

ALos the australian girlies Jess and Caitlin arrive tomorrow! Which shall be fantastic! So much to see and do in such a  little bit of time. 

Peace out homies.

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