Friday, April 18, 2014

Welcome to the jungle blog

What a day! I have learnt so much more about coding in the last six hours than I possibly could in a week of reading a my coding book!

It's almost a year since my last post, which is really pathetic, and I don't have a good enough excuse to even bother typing one so I won't. H
owever here's what you've missed.
  • Hit up the land of the long white cloud //New Zealand// Spent some quality time with my family 
  •  Graduated Curtin University //Bachelor Degree of Commerce // Double major Public Relations and Management 
  • Weekend getaway to Singapore to stockpile the // H&M Zara Topshop wardrobe 
  • Founded Atlas Public Relations // A PR consultancy currently working on Bunbury's Amazing Race 
  • Worked with the amazing events team at the City of Bunbury // Kidsfest and Christmas Carnival
If I had to sum up my current situation in a twitter post it would be: Six month strategic regrouping to plan my next five year action plan. On that note I'm off to Bali next week for some well-desired R&R.